Polyester structures, fire engines and systems

Our company has been operating since 1978 with the main manufacturing part of polyester constructions (GRP) such as storage tanks for all kinds of liquids, construction of light firefighting vehicles for immediate intervention, with a wide range of firefighting superstructures for all types of vehicles, etc.


Experience and History: Our company has a long history and experience in the industry. We have stood the test of time and developed the skills and know-how required to produce high quality products.

Product Quality: Polyester construction (GRP) is known for its strength, durability and resistance to time. Rest assured that the products produced are of high quality and will meet your needs.

Product Variety: A company specializing in polyester manufacturing can offer a wide range of products, such as liquid storage tanks, light fire trucks, and fire superstructures.

Reliability and Trust: The Militsis company has been operating for decades and enjoys the trust of its customers. Customers can trust that the company will keep its promises and produce products that will meet their expectations.

Innovation: Even though a company has a long history, that doesn’t mean they can’t be innovative. Many of these companies are evolving and adapting to new technologies and market trends to remain competitive.

Value for Money: A company with a long history can offer value for money to its customers. Because of its experience and advantages in production, it can offer competitive prices for high quality products.

Customer Support and Services: A company that has an established presence in the market usually provides excellent customer support and services. This means that customers can expect the help and support they need in case of problems or queries.